Information tour (English)

If you are interested in enlisting your child in the Cornelis Vrijschool you are welcome to join the English information sessions that are organised at the school every other month. These tours are for parents only. There is no program for the children during these tours.

Special tours are held in English on the following dates:

• Monday, September 10, 2018, 9-11 AM
• Monday, November 5, 2018, 9-11 AM
• Monday, February 11, 2019, 9-11 AM
• Monday, April 15, 2019, 9-11 AM

Please contact the school’s administration desk at to get the latest details on the exact program and to enlist for the introduction.

In general, children start primary school at the age of four. From the age of 5, school attendance is compulsory. The general rules and regulations for enrolling children at primary schools in Amsterdam do not apply to the Cornelis Vrijschool, as we have our own enlistment system. If you are interested in enlisting your child to the Cornelis Vrijschool, please read the application information carefully and download the application form on our website HERE.

Our curriculum is predominantly in Dutch, and the majority of pupils are native Dutch speakers. We have experience with the integration of non-Dutch speaking pupils into the school program and also have access to additional resources if necessary to help children adapt (any other information you have on this that you can share? i.e. Click here to find out more) When enlisting your child, please note that our general admission rules apply:

• For children with an older brother or sister in the school application is still obligatory but placement is guaranteed;
• Any remaining places are given out on the basis of shortest distance of the home address of the child to the Cornelis Vrijschool.

meer nieuws


Een basisschool kiezen doe je niet zomaar. Tenslotte wil je zeker zijn dat je kind de komende acht jaar in goede handen is. We zien je daarom graag op een van onze informatieochtenden.

Activiteiten BSO Cornelis Vrij

Voor kinderen die naar de Cornelis Vrijschool gaan is een eigen buitenschoolse opvang: BSO Cornelis Vrij. Aanmelden voor losse dagen is vaak mogelijk. Hier vind je een voorbeeld van het activiteitenprogramma.

De campagne is gesloten. Dank voor jouw steun!

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Een feestelijke openingsweek

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De verbouwing

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Verloren en gevonden?

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Feestelijk weerzien

Op 18 januari 2020 organiseren we voor een oud-leerlingen een feestelijk weerzien.